Headquarters Homebrew Club

Headquarters Homebrew Club

About Us

The Headquarters Homebrew Club was established in 2011.
We are an award-winning Northern California area club for homebrewers and craft beer enthusiasts alike!  Many of our club members are passionate about homebrewing and enjoy sharing their experiences and advice with other club members.
We are located in the South San Jose, California, area. Other cities nearby include Campbell, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga. Our logo is based on the famous Campbell water tower, pictured to the left.
When the weather is nice, as it often is in Silicon Valley, we hold our meetings at Oak Meadow Park near Lake Vasona in Los Gatos, pictured above.  We hold many of our other meetings at the excellent Clandestine Brewery in San Jose. 
We have an active membership with all levels of experience, from new brewers to those with over 30 years of brewing experience. Our membership includes two certified BJCP judges who are very active in local homebrewing competitions.
There is plenty of room for our club to grow. All levels of experience are welcome, including first time to experienced homebrewers, extract to all-grain.
Craft beer lovers, if beer is your passion with hops, barley, and yeast running through your veins — then reach out and consider attending a meeting. All are welcome to join us for any meeting. See Meetings and Announcements on our website for information on our next meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!